
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Some lemons later... my blanket progress

Lemons! I see recipes with them everywhere these days. But I don't complain about it, they are a bit of sunshine in our long winter! Lemon and poppy seeds muffins, lemon meringue pie, lemon and ginger tea... but what about the salty side of lemons? I used to like lemon in savoury dish only on fish but I've discovered over the years, that they are fantastic with many other savoury food. I think about a whole roasted chicken with lemon slices and oregano or a couscous salad with a lot of parsley and lemon juice! So, while the lemons are in season, I made some salt preserved lemons and as it's crazy easy, I wanted to show you...
All you need is some lemons, a clean air-tight jar, and sea salt. First, you want to scrub your citruses (especially if they aren't organic) to get rid of the wax they put to make them last longer. Next, you need trim the ends and cut the fruits in quarters. You can either cut all the way through or if you have a big jar, you can only make deep slits in your lemons and  keep them whole. Then, pour a layer of sea salt in your jar and add a lemon. Pour some more salt on the lemon (taking time to fill the slits with salt) and add another lemon etc, squeezing as many lemons as possible in the jar. You want the jar as full as possible because it will help lemons to be covered in their juice later. Don't forget to add salt between each piece. When your jar is full, add some more salt on the last lemon and seal.
That's it, now you wait. I've left my little jars on the counter top for 3 days, shaking them a little every day, to give time to the lemons to render some juice. As they weren't totally covered at that point, I opened the jars and added a little juice from another lemon, re-closed the jars and put them in the fridge. I will wait at least 2 more weeks before tasting them, but I can't wait! I bet they will be delicious with barley or with roasted meat. Be warned though, they will be very salty, so you might want to give them a rinse before using them.
And while these macerate in the fridge, I'm working on the blanket I started in November ( I'd like to finish it this winter... I'm at my 6th stripe, so probably half-way. As always, I'm super eager to start new projects but i've to many things lying around half done so I'll be trying to finish a couple before starting new any big project.

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