
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Mary and the cabbage patch

The end of gardening season is already here! It's been a while now that my tomato plants are dead and that we've eaten all the zucchinis from my little community garden. This year was the less productive that I've had in my three seasons long, urban gardening adventure. This summer, I've met all kinds of problems that I had not experienced before. For instance, my carrots and beets were eaten by some rodents. Also, most of the herbs (two types of basil and cilantro) and the swiss chard that I planted (twice!) have rotted due to the very rainy spring that we've had.

 Still, I'm really thankful that I had the chance to grow my own vegetables this year again. I was lucky to have a garden so fast, since we just moved in the neighbourhood last May. The waiting lists for community gardens are usually long.  Because of this, I've enjoyed fresh parsley (which I'm totally addicted to!) all summer long and even though the cabbages have suffered multiple slugs attack, they became crunchy and big. Luckily I had Mary with me to help harvest them!

I'm happy that I finally uploaded the pattern on ravelry. I finished the doll, which is the second one of my Hocus Pocus inspired doll, nearly a week ago but missed the time to finish the final version of the pdf. But now it's available if you'd like to take a look!

Do you have a garden? What did you grow this summer?

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