
Sunday, June 5, 2016

Little treasure

I shop at thrift shops all the time. Like really all the time! There's one close to the subway station in my neighborhood and I sometimes go more than once a week. I don't buy things every time... I just take a look at a couple sections I like, mentally going through the ongoing list of things I know I might find and that I would like to buy. Mind you, I often go and drop things too. They're is only so many objects I can actually fit in my apartment! And I'm a big believer in giving a second chance to these things you don't want/need anymore. It's less wasteful and it might very well make somebody happy.

One day, many years ago, I went at a thrift shop that I like on St-Hubert Street. I was looking at some pieces of fabric and I came across three bags of yarn. At that time, I didn't have my fancy taste for natural fibers. I simply liked the colors and it seemed like a good bargain for the size of the bags, 3$ each. When I came home with my finds, I googled the names on the labels. Two of the bags were from Knit Picks (that's actually how I came to know the brand) six or seven balls of Swish in Bordeaux and the same amount of Telemark (now discontinued) in a bright orange color. The third bag was two 250gr skeins of Fleece Artist  Blue Faced Leicester. I was absolutely astonished when I discovered the quality (and actual price for that matter) of my treasure.

The Swish became pairs of socks for my dad and for a friend. The Telemark, some felted house accessories. But the Fleece Artist stayed in my stash for many years untouched. Even though it was my favorite of the three, mostly because of the color, I didn't know what to do with it. The amount was just a little short for a sweater, and it wasn't superwash so I feared not wearing it for I wouldn't want to wash it... At one point I was wondering if I would ever do something with it.  I even thought about selling it. 

Then, I don't know why, it struck me. I would make a shawl from it. Something you wear when it's chilly and you need comfort and warmth.
The pattern I used is Kaellingesjal 1897  by Mette Rørbech.
It is a very warm and cozy tie-shawl. The garter stitch makes for an easy and fast knitting body and the borders add some complexity so it's not boring to knit or to look at.

The piece is really pleasant to wear. Being very stretchy, it stays well in place. 

 It's my first tie-shawl and the only thing I don't like about it is you can't really sit with it. I mean you can, but if your back is against something it's not that comfortable because of the knot. But, this is a recreation based on traditional danish shawl. It was meant for working women and for that it's perfect. That's why I usually wear it around the house when cooking or gardening on chilly days. 

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