
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Wooden chair makeover

What a beautiful week-end we've had! Really sunny but not too hot, the perfect weather to be outside. It gave me the chance to work in the garden for a while, which was much needed. All that sun and rain we've had in the past 2 weeks made the veggies happy, but weeds also took advantage of the situation! The savoy cabbages, the winter squash and the tomatoes are growing fast, and I even picked a couple radishes yesterday morning. Zucchinis and parsley are doing better, some animals were fond of them I think, but they seem to have found something else to eat now.  Beets and carrots haven't really show up yet, I think I might have to sow some more.

As I mention in my previous post, I've been busy lately with various project. Not that I'm putting away knitting (no no!!) but I've had some little projects in mind for a while and I'm finally putting time in them. Today I want to share my first spray paint project (yay!). It might seem simple, but I've had a lot of fun spray painting for the first time!

Maybe I told you before but I'm kind of addicted to the thrift store haha. I have a list of things I'd like to find (small furniture, vintage dishes, clothes and fabrics etc), so I look for them every time I pass by the store. Lately I've been looking for a chair to replace an old plastic patio chair that broke (I didn't really liked it anyway). I though a wooden chair would be perfect, prettier in my opinion and long lasting. Here is what I found:

It was only 4 dollars, so I bought it, thinking it would be perfect to sit on the balcony. At first, I wanted to clean and re-varnish it. There were small splashes of paint on the legs and seat. Some came off easily when I scrubbed them, but it was difficult to get rid of others, especially between the bars. So I changed my mind and went to the hardware store. I found a bottle of spray paint (the indoor/outdoor kind) of a color I liked for 6 dollars or so, and here is how it looks now:

I'm happy with the result, it really makes my balcony more joyful! I'd like to find a little table I could also paint in a funky color to go with it. I will eventually make a little cushion that matches the chair but it's not a priority on my crafts list for the moment.

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