
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Fall bounty

Where have I been, you might be wondering. Well, the end of summer has been very busy. This year I was lucky enough to have a garden three times bigger than last year. Let me tell you, it was three times the work! Though a lot of veggies ended up as squirrel's snacks, I've picked a lot of onions, cabbages, cherry tomatoes, swiss chard and tones of fresh herbs, to my absolute delight. Now that it's getting frosty at night, everything has been picked and the lot is clean and empty. In the past weeks, I've canned produce both from the garden and the market. From classic dill pickles to simple diced tomatoes and even some new recipes like the green tomatoes and red peppers marinade. Most of the time, I make small batches of three to six jars, since there is only two of us. I really like to make and use these. Using fresh and local produce is important to me and makes me feel proud.

But, as you might guess, I haven't stop knitting! The Pink Lemonade Socks pattern had been on my list for a long time, and I finally made them! I used the same yarn I choose last spring for my Broderie Gloves, that is Knit Picks Stroll in Dandelion. I absolutely love this yarn, soft to the touch, with a very springy texture. Plus it's superwash! As for the pattern, I only have good things to say. Easy to follow, simple mock cable instructions. It's a toe-up pattern, but if you haven't tried it yet, I think it could be a good first toe-up socks project.

(Ravelry projet page:

Hope you all have a nice week-end, full of hot teas and cozy knitting!