
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Getting ready

I'm getting ready for spring, finally!
It's been super rainy and grey outside lately but still, days are getting longer and warmer. The community garden has open it's gate and even if I haven't started to clean my garden yet, I've been planning what I want to grow this year and starting some seeds inside. I'm particularly enthusiastic this spring, because the garden committee has acceded to my demand for a bigger plot. So this year, there will surely be some winter squashes alongside the many kinds of tomatoes and herbs that I normally grow. Last year I also did cabbages for the first time and it was a big success. I think I might plant some again. I'm also planning on sowing some peas on my balcony so they can climb on the railings and make them prettier. If I'm lucky, I might find some pretty planters at the thrift shop where I go many times a week (I'm totally addicted haha).

My baby tomatoes in used yogourt containers
Growing your own veggies and herbs is a fantastic hobby. Not only is it economic (especially if you grow from seeds), it's also very educational and therapeutic. When you take time for your garden, you take time for yourself! You're exercising, you learn about nature and about yourself, plus you give your family and yourself healthy, fresh and flavorful food! And if you don't have the place for a garden, grow on your balcony and windowsills! 
Many vegetables and herbs can produce in containers. Tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, lettuce, strawberries, cilantro, parsley, basil and arugula are all good example. All you really need is containers (planters and pots are classics, but you can also reuse thing you don't use in the house, like old crockery, rain boots, tea cans, I've even seen a used golf bag. Take a look on Pinterest if you need inspiration!), some soil and seeds for your favourite veggies. I buy my seeds from different sources, but I particularly love this Etsy shop I've been buying from for a couple of years. It's a family business based in Ontario, the seeds are heirloom and organic and the service is always excellent. It's too late (at least for the Montreal region) to start tomatoes inside I would say, but if you are looking for root vegetables, herbs, greens or squash I would recommend you take a look : Cubit's Ethical Seeds for Edible Gardens

Happy spring everyone :D